I am now writing a post on 2014.
Original right?
As I sit here eating my Reese Peanut Butter M&M things I am thinking about some new years resolutions...
I have been thinking about some goals for this year for a while. I love the opportunity to improve and be a better person. I want to work on self improvement and a few other things. Here is what I have so far :
(these are in no particular order)
1. Catch up on my scrap-booking ( I have 2012 done ;) but nothing from last year...)
2. Learn to play the guitar and sing for a crowd (the definition of crowd in this context is 'more than just my husband')
3. I am going to start writing a book (this goal really should be more specific or I won't get much done.. I need an additional goal to write like 100 pages of my book by June, or 5 chapters but I haven't decided how hard this goal is going to be, so I haven't got that specific yet...(is that a run-on sentence or what?) )
4. I am going to get fit (aka: become one hott momma and lose the rest of this baby fat)
4a. I am going to eat smaller portions and work out at least 4 times a week.
5. Read 'Jesus the Christ' by James E. Talmage (wish me luck!)
6. Memorize the Bill of Rights, The Living Christ, and the order the Articles of Faith come in (I have the articles memorized but not the order...)
7. Start an at home business or business from my home (also wish me luck.. I don't have any ideas for this yet...)
8. Read my scriptures for at least five minutes a day (I hate to admit it but I am not very good at reading them right now... I hope to increase my reading time over time :) )
9. Try at least four new recipes a month (Pinterest is sure helping with this one :) )
10. Be the best momma, and the best wife-ee.
10. Have a better schedule for each day. (aka don't spend as much time Facebooking, Pinteresting ect..)
10. Blog.
10. Figure out better how to work this blogging website. (if you haven't noticed leaves are still my back ground...)
10. Find a new hobby (like knitting, wood carving, squirrel wing-suit jumping.. you know :) )
10. Enjoy life! (sometimes I stress way to much over stupid things and forget to enjoy life)
(I only wanted to write 10 goals down... more than that seems overwhelming...)
When I make goals they have to be simple and feasible or they don't get done. These are my big goals for throughout this whole year. Some of them I will have to really break down in order to accomplish them. For example: read 3 pages of 'Jesus the Christ' every day or learn 3 chords a week on the guitar. Breaking my big goals into smaller goals really helps me to get them done with out them seeming so overwhelming. So these are things I will be trying to working on.What are your goals? Maybe I need to add a few more to my list. ;)
(Sorry again about my extensive use of parenthesis. (I just seem to like them and they work great) :) )
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