
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Belief Manifestation

I have been telling myself more negative things than I realized. Limitless and an awesome book called 'The Conscious Creator' have helped me find my common negative thoughts and than find positive ones to replace them. It really takes a conscious effort but I know if I am diligent in repeating these frequently (my goal is 3 times a day for 30 days). I will begin to believe them and my actions will follow my positive thoughts. Here are the belief manifestos I have for myself right now:

I have faith everything will work out just how it is supposed to, I will act calmly, trusting and being the example I know I need to be.

I devote the right amount of quality time to my children and following my bliss and I lovingly include them in my dreams. 

I have and know how to find all the resources needed to follow my divine purpose and I act with faith and passion. 

I see the best in myself. 

I smile when I want to frown. 

I am in control, I make good decisions that help me reach my goals. My spirit governs my body. 

I am patient with my children, I give them my best self, teach them righteousness and enjoy each and every moment with them. 

I patiently deal with whiny children and act in a way that positively teaches them. 

I know I have the power and faith needed to follow and achieve my purpose. 

I have faith in the positive thoughts I think. 

After reading 'The Conscious Creator' I kept track of negative thoughts I was thinking. I then wrote positive belief manifestos to replace them with (you can probably tell a few of the things I struggle with... impatience, fear, comparing, ect..)  It is a work and progress and I won't be automatically better at these things in one day, but I believe over time I will conquer these things I struggle with and work on and add more. It is so interesting to really think about what you think about. I didn't think I was a negative person until I have started paying attention to my thoughts. Most of them were my perception of myself. I don't feel I am patient what manifests? Impatience. My fear keeps me from touching the lives I am meant to touch. Fear was manifesting fear. Comparing myself increases my fear in not being good enough, pretty enough, outgoing enough ect. and results in poor self image. I don't want those to be my over powering thoughts so I am making a conscious effort to change!

My challenge is for you to pay attention to how often you think negative thoughts and try and replace them with something positive and keeping doing it. If you want help I would love to help! We can learn and grow together! 

I have faith everything will work out just how it is supposed to, I will act calmly, trusting and being the example I know I need to be.

I devote the right amount of quality time to my children and following my bliss and I lovingly include them in my dreams. 

I have and know how to find all the resources needed to follow my divine purpose and I act with faith and passion. 

I see the best in myself. 

I smile when I want to frown. 

I am in control, I make good decisions that help me reach my goals. My spirit governs my body. 

I am patient with my children, I give them my best self, teach them righteousness and enjoy each and every moment with them. 

I patiently deal with whiny children and act in a way that positively teaches them. 

I know I have the power and faith needed to follow and achieve my purpose. 

I have faith in the positive thoughts I think.

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