
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Motherly Anguish

      The other night Izac and I were just getting ready to go to bed when we heard a noise from Ryker's room. He had been put to bed a couple hours prior and had been asleep. The noise resembled that of gagging, coughing, or choking, so I ran in there to make sure he was still breathing and he was sound asleep, bum in the air face laying on the mattress. I was confused and looked around and then the smell hit me. It was the smell of fresh puke. I moved his blankets a little more and found exactly what I had smelt. Baby puke all over. I woke Ryker up getting him out of the crib and handed him over to daddy to get him bathed while I changed his bedding.
I. did. not. want. a. sick. kid...
     We got him bathed and settled back in bed and a short time later he threw up again. I let Izac sleep this time because there wasn't a lot and he had to be to work in the morning. After some time Ryker went back to sleep, as did I.
For. a. short. time.
      I woke up with a start. A thought came into my mind. I instantly knew that it was one of those motherly instinct thoughts that has awaken many a mothers in the night. I recalled that earlier that day I had let Ryker play with one of my make up brushes while I was trying to get ready for somewhere we had to be. It was a smaller brush and soon he had pulled the brush part away from the handle thing, I took the brush part away and told him not to put the other piece in his mouth. He walked off into the other room with no noise. I hurriedly followed him and checked for the handle part but it wasn't in his hands or anywhere. I couldn't find it on the floor either. He seemed to be acting fine so I picked him up and we left to our appointment. I didn't think about the brush or the small handle he had played with again...
Until. I. woke. up. with. a. start. at. 3 am.
     I knew it, I just knew that was why he was throwing up. He had swallowed the handle to my make up brush I began panicking, knowing that it was probably big enough that that his little body wouldn't be able to naturally pass it through. I was sick to my stomach thinking that I had neglected to watch my child more closely with such little objects. I began praying to my Heavenly Father that I would be able to find the piece or that our little one would be able to throw it up. I didn't stop earnestly praying.
Sleep.was. useless.
      The thought came to me that I should go check the laundry and see if he had perhaps thrown up that piece and if it was in his soiled blankets and sheets. I made my way to the basement and went through every piece of material that had been in the wash and... nothing. I didn't know what to do... I went in and Ryker was sleeping peacefully so I decided to go lay back down, all the while continuing my prayers to my Father in Heaven. I worried about having to tell Izac that I had let Ryker play with a piece that he could swallow.  All sorts of thoughts and possibilities were racing thought my thought. I thought about having to have a chest X-ray, and the $300.00 co-pay for every X-ray. I thought about the X-ray and seeing that piece in his stomach. I thought about the doctors telling us that the only way to get it out would be surgery at Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake. I thought about how this would wipe Izac and I clean financially.
I. just. laid. there. praying. hard. thinking. and. letting. time. pass.
     After a little while, the all to familiar noise of my son throwing up got me straight out of bed. I told Izac he threw up again and went in to clean him up. There wasn't a lot of throw up and no make up brush handle in it but Ryker was wide awake. First, I decided to look up on the internet symptoms of swallowing something, so Ryker sat on my lap and we looked it up. I read things like '...child will loose appetite and not want to eat...' Ryker had been a terrible eater since it had happened. '...vomiting is a sign that your child has swallowed something...' I was really getting worried... Ryker had, all of those symptoms. I was a terrible mother and we were going to have to pay (literally) because of me... I began pleading even harder, 'Heavenly Father, please help him throw it up, or let the doctors tell us he will be able to poop it out... Please help me...
Please. let. it. not. lead.'  
       I took our little boy to my rocking chair and we rocked together for a minute before he wanted to get up to play. I figured this was as good as time as any to break the news to Izac of what I thought had happened. I went in and tried as gently as I could to wake Izac up. Soon he was awake and I told him everything that I thought had happened. He didn't raise his voice or yell or call me a bad mom he just seemed disappointed and talked about what this would cost us. He didn't think that Ryker would be able to pass the piece naturally either. I told Izac we had been by the dresser and Izac started looking for the piece...
I took Ryker in my arms and started rocking him again and abruptly he got out of the chair and started gagging, I held the blanket next to his mouth and he threw up in the blanket, I encouraged him to get it out, throw it up.
I. wanted. the. piece. to. come. with. the. puke.
      Soon he was finished and I put the blanket in the laundry and went to help Izac look. I hadn't found it earlier and didn't have very high hopes of finding it but we went to help anyways. I had a thought, that I don't think I can rightfully call a thought. I think it was more like the Spirit telling me where to look. The thought was check the drawers of the dresser.... I checked the first drawer and not make up brush handle.
I. checked. the. second. drawer...
        I felt something. I felt something little and hard that did not feel like a sock. I pulled it up and to my great relief I found the makeup brush handle right there! I can't even begin to describe the weight and pressure that was moved off of me! Ryker was sick from something else and he hadn't swallowed my make up brush handle. As soon as I touched that hard plastic I knew that my Heavenly Father had answered my earnest prayers! I profusely thanked him for being there for me and answering my prayers. And just a couple hours before I was going to take Ryker into the doctors office. 
He. is. there. He. does. listen. and. He. does. answer. prayers.
      Ryker acted very hungry after he threw up the last time in my blanket, we fed him like six saltine crackers and gave him some Pedialyte drink. Izac couldn't go back to sleep and decided to go to work at 5:30 am. Ryker held down the crackers, went back to bed at 6:00 am and slept until 10:00 am. He didn't throw up again. I didn't have to take him to get a chest X-Ray that morning. My prayers had been answered by a loving Heavenly Father!

He. is. there.
He. does. listen. and.
He. does. answer. prayers.

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