
Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Law of Connection

     If you haven't read about the first Laws of Conscious Creation I would highly recommend reading them before you read this post, they kind of go in order ;-) 
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Purpose
The Law of Choice and Accountability

The Law of Alignment         
The Law of Alignment Continued
The Law of Faith
The Law of Gestation
The Law of the Harvest

The Law of Intuition

The Law of Connection states:
          "Our ego creates separation through comparison and competition, and our sacred self recognizes that we are all one. We cannot hurt another without hurting ourselves, we cannot bless another without blessing ourselves.  
       The shadow that we judge or the greatness we see in others is simply a reflection of aspects of ourselves. The more we live with unconditional love and acceptance for ourselves, the more we unconditionally love others. (The Limitless booklet)" 
 The Law of Connection isn't an easy one for me partially because I like my comfort zone and stepping out and connecting with others isn't something that I am a natural at. I am trying to work harder at it, but I am not very good at it. I have a lot of good examples around me that inspire me when it comes to this. One of my friends can pick up and talk to anyone she meets. She is always able to find a connection with them. My Mom and sister are also very good at connecting with people easily. At Limitless, with some of the activities they had us do I recognized how easy it can be to connect with complete strangers. It was powerful and eye opening to me, and I am  working on it.

One quote I heard recently went: 'There aren't any strangers, just friends I haven't met yet.' And I really liked that way of thinking. It helps me overcome my love of my comfort zone to get to know people. Big Dreams require a lot of people so allow people to be in you life. Don't be afraid to connect and learn from each other for that is how we learn and grow at a faster level is by learning from what others have already learned.

Part of this Law talks about the importance of unconditionally loving ourselves, then that love will be more easily given unconditionally to others (unconditional love is another area we could spend a lot of time on, and in the future I just might, I want to know what you think about some of the things I have learned when it comes to that... until then though.... read on ;-) ). One of the ways that we come to love ourselves is by incorporating all of the things that we have talked about; attracting good things by thinking good thoughts, knowing your purpose, living your purpose and consciously making that choice, aligning yourself with your purpose and having faith in that purpose, allowing time for that to happen, and knowing that if you sow good things, good things will follow, especially when we follow our intuition. These all work to build unconditional love and a happy conscious life. 

I hope that you have enjoyed reading about the 9 Law of Conscious Creation. I have learned these Laws at a three day seminar I went to called Limitless and deeper in the book called 'The Conscious Creator'. Limitless was incredible and I am only able to share a small portion of what I learned and felt those three days. If you have the opportunity I would highly recommend going! I can even give you a ticket if you are interested! 

Friday, July 29, 2016

The Law of Intuition

     If you haven't read about the first Laws of Conscious Creation I would highly recommend reading them before you read this post, they kind of go in order ;-) 
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Purpose
The Law of Choice and Accountability

The Law of Alignment         
The Law of Alignment Continued
The Law of Faith
The Law of Gestation
The Law of the Harvest

The Law of Intuition states 'We are infinite beings with access to limitless wisdom and insight. We can access this wisdom by listening through intuition to our sacred selves and to the divine.' I feel like this Law, The Law of Intuition kind of encompasses personal revelation or personal inspiration. Being children of God we are able to seek and receive personal revelation from Him. If we follow Him and seek His guidance He can help direct our course.

I have received personal revelation on different occasions for myself (One thing about personal revelation is that it is personal you can only get inspiration on what you can do). When I was younger, was prompted to go back to BYU-Idaho after I had already found a job in Utah. Going back to BYU-Idaho eventually led me to meet the phenomenal man that I am married to. I have been guided on what wording to use in talks for church. I have a new business idea that I am going to try from home and I feel that that came from revelation. God is there. He does hear. He does answer in His time.

One part of personal revelation that became hard for me seven or so years ago was when I was not getting an answer; to me it was a pretty big decision in my life and I felt I should be getting that revelation. It was difficult  until I learned or was reminded of our agency. God isn't going to tell us what to do in every circumstance. Even in big decisions he will let us choose. That is why we are here is to choose and to hopefully choose Him. Sometimes both decisions are good and it is up to us. If a path we choose is one that won't lead us in the right way, He will help guide us, giving us many things that just seem to 'happen' to point us where we need to be.

At Limitless they taught the Law of Intuition really well, how in many cases we know what to do, or what needs to be done by acting on inspiration. I was amazed that I just knew what I needed to do to help with the problem I was facing. As long as we are living righteously, God will be there to help guide and direct us, but he won't tell us every thing we are to do because ' is not meet that [God] should command in all things for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant...(D&C 58:26)' Take time to listen to yourself, most of the time you have more answers and know more than you think you do! 

Limitless is a three day seminar that teaches about the nine laws of conscious creation. What I have really liked about what I learned there, is how well it goes along with and enhances my life in my own Religion as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, my relationship with God is deeper than it has ever been and I am enjoying my life more than I ever have. It is incredible to have such freedom! If you would like to go, I can get you a free ticket and the next one is August 17-19 in Utah. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Law of the Harvest

     If you haven't read about the first Laws of Conscious Creation I would highly recommend reading them before you read this post, they kind of go in order ;-) 
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Purpose
The Law of Choice and Accountability

The Law of Alignment         
The Law of Alignment Continued
The Law of Faith
The Law of Gestation

The next law that I want to focus on is the Law of the Harvest. This is one of my most favorite because I think I understand it the best. I love growing things, one of my loves is horticulture and planting, taking care of, and harvesting plants. The Law of the Harvest states ' Our life is like a garden. We reap what we sow. Every word we speak, every thought we think and every choice we make is a seed for creating our future. All results in our lives are the fruits that grow from our beliefs and the choices we make because of those beliefs. We can alter our results by altering the beliefs that bear them (Limitless Booklet).'

'What so ever a man soweth, that shall he also reap' (Galatians 6:7) This not only applies realistically, but physically and spiritually as well. Realistically if we sow a corn seed we are going to reap a corn plant' an apple seed will reap an apple tree. Figuratively it applies physically and spiritually as well. Physically if a person eats sugars, deep fried foods (junk food) and doesn't workout the person will reap poor physical health. Spiritually if we are sowing seed of hate, rebellion, gossip, animosity, pessimism, and negativity that is what we will reap. But if we sow seeds of love, kindness, charity, optimism, and positivity, we will reap those. You can't sow hate and reap love. That isn't how the Law of the Harvest works. You reap what you sow, so sow good 'seeds'!

I have learned about these Laws and how beneficial and helpful they are by attending a Limitless Seminar. I have a free ticket if anyone is interested in going. The next one is Aug 17-19 in Utah. HERE is their website if you want to browse it and look more into it. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Law of Gestation

     If you haven't read about the first Laws of Conscious Creation I would highly recommend reading them before you read this post, they kind of go in order ;-) 
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Purpose
The Law of Choice and Accountability

The Law of Alignment         
The Law of Alignment Continued
The Law of Faith

          The Law of Gestation States: "There is a natural gestation period for all acts of creation. Just like seeds that take time to grow before they yield fruit, our dreams and goals must be nurtured and cared for over time until they are manifested into reality. Patience and perseverance allow for dreams to become a reality.(Limitless Booklet)" I first learned about this Law at the Limitless Seminar. Izac and I just looked at each other and everything made sense. We are in a 'gestation period' of our dreams. It takes a lot of patience and perseverance to see them actually manifest.

         There are different gestation periods for different animals. A mouses' gestation period is 19 days, a jaguar is 93 days, a human is 270 days, and an elephant gestates for 645 days! All 'gestation periods' are not the same, even with seeds, they all take different amounts of time to grow to full maturity. Think of a corn plant versus an olive tree. Dreams, passions, and visions can take time to ripen and develop. It can be very difficult to stick with it when it seems so far away but it will be worth it! 

        "The gestation period serves two purposes. First, it gives you the time to take the practical steps required to achieve the vision. And second, it proves that you'll pay the price.... If your dream is worth achieving, then you need the staying power to stick with it regardless of time or obstacles. Most people fail at great ideas because they want it all to happen now. They're not willing to pay the proper price for their dream. That's what separates successful creators from failures. With the right expectation, you can stick to the effort required to gestate and birth your creation.(The Conscious Creator)"  

         It is not easy to be patient in this world where everything comes quick and convenient. But the key is to have the faith, and patience to get through the gestation period! Reviewing your purpose often and making sure that you are aligned and have faith, (all of the previous laws) help a person to endure the sometimes difficult gestation period. That is why these Laws work together so well!

        I learned a lot of this from the Limitless Seminar and the book The Conscious Creator. I am trying my best to apply and live by them! If you want more information or want to go to one of these seminars I would love to help you go! It has change me. I am more true to Joslyn and her role as wife and mother. I am finding more joy and less stress in my life through incorporating and living by these Laws. I know I have more to learn, but it just excites me to grow in this way! I have a divine purpose and a role that God wants me to fulfill and you do to! 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Law of Faith

     If you haven't read about the first four Laws of Conscious Creation I would highly recommend reading them before you read this post, they kind of go in order ;-) 
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Purpose
The Law of Choice and Accountability

The Law of Alignment         
The Law of Alignment Continued

         The fifth Law of Conscious Creation, the Law of Faith, states: Faith is the foundation to all actions leading to creation. Without faith we have no power to act. As Conscious Creators, we work with complete faith to manifest our desires. We act on that faith with courage, without requiring evidence from our past (Limitless Booklet). "Conscious Creators understand that they have the power to manifest anything in which they have complete faith. I define 'faith' as a complete trust or confidence in any belief or truth. Note that faith can work either for or against you. People who believe they are fat and put faith in that belief will develop conscious and unconscious behaviors that will surely manifest fatness. Whatever you put your faith in can manifest. Therefore, Conscious Creators are vigilant about what they choose to put their faith in.(The Conscious Creator)"

        The secret with the Law of Faith is more than just thinking that you will obtain your goals, it is believing with unwavering faith that you will achieve them way before you actually do. Many who don't believe in faith are found saying the adage 'I'll believe it when I see it;' Conscious Creator's on the other hand think 'I'll see it when I believe it'. Part of acting on faith is that you do it despite the lack of evidence.  This Law requires commitment, that you won't back out when you hit a rough patch, that you will stick with it even when surrounding voices tell you that you can't; that you see your vision and have faith to conquer and get there. Sometimes when you follow your bliss, your passion, or your purpose 'people will tell you that you are crazy. But that's precisely why visionary, committed entrepreneurs are compensated so highly: They see things that others can't see and take the leap of faith (The Conscious Creator)." Think of Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, and the Wright Brothers to name just a few. Faith in our dreams can be difficult, especially when those around us are doubters, and when results don't immediately verify the vision. Dieter F. Uchtdorf has said 'Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.' I completely agree with his statement.  The vision is going to have to be imagined often in the times of resistance (at least that how it is for me) because I know I would want to give up all to easy with that resistance.

        '...Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things' therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen which are true.' Alma 32:21

These laws come from the book 'The Conscious Creator' and from a three day 'Limitless' Seminar I went to. they are powerful and work, and they work great hand in hand with The Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and any Christian religion. I would highly encourage you to go to a 'Limitless' Seminar and I can help get you there if you are interested!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Law of Alignment Continued

           If you haven't read about the first four Laws of Conscious Creation I would highly recommend reading them before you read this post because this post won't make a ton of sense without them. 
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Purpose
The Law of Choice and Accountability

The Law of Alignment

And this is a continuation of the Law of Alignment:   
          Yesterday I introduced the fourth law of Conscious Creation, The Law of Alignment which states: "Everything we think, say and do must be in alignment with what we want to manifest. When our beliefs and actions are out of alignment with truth, it creates pain and problems in our lives. The more closely our beliefs are aligned with truth, the greater power we have to manifest our creations with ease. (Limitless Booklet)"

          In the last post we talked about cognitive dissonance and ways we could be out of alignment with our true selves.  Belief Breakthrough a process that takes false beliefs and replaces it with new beliefs. It is reparadigming our thoughts. "A paradigm is a set of beliefs, or a certain perception of the world and your place in it. Your paradigm determines your actions. The sum total of all your false and limiting beliefs drastically impacts your paradigm. And you must 'reparadigm' to align with your vision of your True Self and True Purpose. Reparadigming is the process of consciously selecting beliefs that support what you want to manifest. It's a lifelong search-and- destroy mission; you systematically uproot all the falsehoods that are sabotaging your results. (The Conscious Creator)" We have to change our paradigm to work for us. There are three R's in the Belief Breakthrough process. Recognize, Replace, and Reinforce. The first R, Recognize, we have talked about some with cognitive dissonance and finding areas in our life where we are in conflict with our self.

         An analogy in book 'The Conscious Creator' is as follows: "False, limiting, negative, contradictory beliefs are like weeds in the garden of your thoughts. If allowed to grow, they choke out the good seeds and stifle the plants that would bear the fruits of your creation. You have to be a protective gardener to uproot the weeds and cultivate your true, empowering, positive, and aligned thoughts and beliefs." The scriptures frequently give reference to a seed. Alma 32 is one of my favorite chapters about seeds and the garden. Verse 28 says '... Now, if ye give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart, behold, if it be a true seed, or a good seed, if ye do not cast it out by your unbelief, that ye will resist the Spirit of the Lord, behold, It will begin to swell within your breasts; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves- It must needs be that this is a good seed... for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me.
This basic and general process of  of seeds can be applied in our lives metaphorically. Good seeds bring forth good fruit and bad seeds bring forth bad fruit. What kind of “seeds” are you planting? Are you planting seeds of service, love, patience, humility, kindness, loving, and helping? Are they making you happy? Do those seeds bring joy to you? Do they feel light, because literally truth feels lighter and brighter?

             Suppose someone told you that you are ugly, and worthless, you will never amount to anything, you aren’t in control, you can’t manage, you can't do it, you aren’t a good mother or father, son or daughter. What if those "seeds" weren’t coming from someone else but from ourselves? What if those were our own thoughts about our self? Satan is the master of these lies that weigh us down, make us feel worthless and limited in all we do. Don’t allow Satan to plant these types of seeds in your minds and your beliefs. You are worth so much more. You are a child of God, you are worth His love, you are beautiful, handsome, loving and kind, and you know the best way to help and serve those in your  circles. You have control. You have time to plant good seeds. You can read your scriptures. You can pray. You have time to dedicate to God in your life. You can serve. He has blessed you with all you have. He can ease any burden, as He did in the lives of Alma and his people did when they were severely persecuted by Amulon (Mosiah 24).

               This belief breakthrough process can help us live the incredible life we have dreamed of living! We have talked about the first R, Recognize. The next step is replacement. Once you recognize these 'weeds' what needs to be done is to replace it with a 'belief-replacement manifesto' which is a declaration of intention, opinions, objective, or motives (The Conscious Creator). The following are some of the top limiting beliefs (they come from The Conscious Creator Journal that you can download with the book):

I can't do it.
I'm not worthy. 
I'm too old. 
I'm too young. 
My body can't do that. 
I don't know enough. 
I'm not special. 
No one loves me. 
No one listens to me. 
No one cares about me. 
I can't change. 
Change is hard. 
I'm scared. 
That's not in my nature. 
I'm not good enough. 
I'm stupid. 
I'm too fat. 
There is too much risk. 
It'll take too long. 
It'll cause family drama. 
I do't deserve it. 
I can't afford it. 
No one will help me. 
It's never been done before. 
I'm not strong enough.
I don't have the energy. 
I don't know how to do it. 
I'm too busy.

Do any of these limiting belief's resonate with anyone else? A lot of them sure did with me. The thing is to recognize when we are telling ourselves these derogatory things and change it! Replace it with a 'Belief-Replacement Manifesto' here are how we replace those thoughts. You can make up your own phrases that work for you but here are a couple that I came up with. I didn't fill them all in so that you could practice :)

I can't do it.                 I can do anything I desire.
I'm not worthy.          I am worthy                 
I'm too young.           I am just the right age do fulfill my dreams.
I don't know enough. I know all I need for this present moment and I continue to learn. 
I'm not special.               I am special and uniquely me. 
No one cares about me.  I love me and God loves me! 
I can't change.                    I embrace change and adjust my course as needed. 
Change is hard.                  Change is EASY! 
I'm scared.                          I choose to have faith. 
That's not in my nature.  I stand boldly in my purpose. 
I'm too fat.                          My spirit governs my body.
There is too much risk.   _______________________
It'll take too long.              ______________________
It'll cause family drama.  ______________________
I don't deserve it.             ______________________
I can't afford it.                 ______________________
No one will help me.        ______________________
It's never been done before. __________________
I'm not strong enough.______________________
I don't have the energy. _____________________
I don't know how to do it. ____________________
I'm too busy.                       ____________________
I'm not good enough.      _____________________
I'm stupid.                           ___________________

            Are there more limiting beliefs then the ones that I listed? Yes there are, but we can work on our limiting beliefs one belief at a time. That is part of the beauty of it, is the simplicity. We just have to take these limiting beliefs and replace them with limitless beliefs and  we only have to tackle one at a time. Part of the way we do that is by having positive manifestos that do NOT include negatives like 'not, don't, never, won't , and no'. For example a limiting belief may be 'I'm fat', it wouldn't be as beneficial to say 'I'm not fat' because the of the negative connotation (They really do a much better job of explaining this a limitless so bear with me...) a much better way to put it would be: 'My body supports my purpose and choices'. In short the Manifestos  just need to be positive and uplifting avoiding negatives. Truth is light, happy, and enlightening.
          Belief Break through is not a one time, event it takes constant work and effort to become a Conscious Creator. But we can choose to do it (The Law of Choice and Accountability) There was a quote given at Limitless that I really liked. I don't remember who it was by, but it said 'Some people tell me motivation doesn't last, well neither does bathing but you still need to do it frequently.' Little steps over a long period of time has potential to change a lot of lives. Find a reoccurring limiting belief and start replacing it with your new belief. If you want to read about some of my belief manifestos click HERE
          So one you have replaced your limiting belief you have to Reinforce it. The Conscious creator suggests to repeat your new manifestos three times a day out loud, for thirty days (I also try and do it when ever my limiting beliefs enter my thoughts) and the new beliefs will start crowding out the old (The Law of Attraction describes this phenomenon. 
Are you seeing how all of these laws work together? It really is quite fascinating) While this is the suggestion: three times a day for 30 days, it is easier to think of it in the following analogy: "Think of your beliefs as deep ruts in a dirt road. Ruts are created over the years as thousands of cars drive over the same roads. It rains and the roads get muddy, and the ruts get even deeper. Thoughts, beliefs, and habits are no different. The longer and deeper we've held a belief, the harder it is to break it. You have to choose a different track to drive on-- you have to create a new path for your thoughts to travel. It can be extremely hard to get out of the deep grooves. But these methods, if applied consistently, will do it for you. At first it will seem just kind of technical, like you're just going through the motions, but over time you'll really experience belief breakthroughs. It will start clicking for you. Negative thought will still arise, but instead of caving in to them, you'll start laughing at them and immediately repeating a manifesto.(The Conscious Creator)

 As always I would love to hear your thoughts and if you are interested in a life changing three days you need to go to a Limitless event and I would love to help you get there. I am living a more divine life incorporating the things I learned while there and it is spiritually satisfying.