
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Stadium Singing

A continuation of 'That Next Sunday'

Things under the stadium got a little bit awkward with Brad there but I didn't venture to move away from Izac. Brad had driven straight to Stadium singing from visiting Utah so he could see everyone, particularly me (stadium singing is where a lot of people get together and sing hymns under the stadium bleachers). He noticed right off Izac and I standing real close. No one said too much, however, because we were singing. When it was finished, Brad ended up taking some of my roommates back to our residence in his car. Izac and I decided to walk back to the apartment where his Bronco was parked. 

We were only about a block away from the stadium when somehow his arm ended up around my shoulders and mine ended up around his waist. We walked in that position and talked the rest of the way to my apartment. Even though my apartment was quite a walk from campus I wished it had been longer.

We went inside for a couple of minutes to pick at some of the brownies that we had made earlier. I checked my phone and seen that I had a text from my mom. Her words on the screen brought a new wave of emotion over me. . . 

She said that they might have found Ryker's body. It was all I could to to hold those tears back and put on a strong face for the moment. He didn't make it either; two loved ones lost to drowning. Thoughts of my cousins pressed every nook and cranny of my brain. Luckily for me, Izac had some things to get done and was getting ready to head out. I was hoping I wouldn't have to try to hold back my tears from coming for too much longer. He had seen that my demeanor had changed but didn't say anything about it. 

I went to walk him out to his Bronco that was left parked out front and we started talking. He asked me about Emma, and Ryker, and their families and I cried while telling him some more details of what had happened. He pulled me into a much needed hug and held me while I cried and jabbered away; letting loose everything that was pent up inside of me on him. He comforted me with words and actions, telling me of some difficult things he had been through with his family, all the while holding me near.
He continued hugging me and we kept talking. We talked about family, about the importance of making good decisions, about the gospel, and about life after death. We dabbled in a little bit of every subject while he held me there next to his Bronco.

He told me that I stood out to him. (Yes!!) Happiest girl on the plant was right there in his arms! Somewhere in the conversation it was mentioned that we weren't 'official' yet (it was way to early for that, we had just met on Friday...) but both of us wanted to work towards being 'official'. The intense affection was mutual. :) 

Soon we had been outside for quite a while and both of us turned when we heard the building door open. It was Brad... He took one look at us hugging by Izac's Bronco and went straight to his car without looking back once. In a way I felt bad. . . but not really... 

I was falling fast and hard and I had only known Izac since Friday. Was this for reals or was I in for another heart break?

PLEASE critique if you so desire :) 

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